We are a group of security professionals sharing the same interests and working in common public and private projects.

Our focus is Offensive security, Application Security, Automation and SDL.

Conferences & Presentations

Presentations / Conferences:

OSINT 2.0, Past, Present and Future. OSIRA Conference, London 2015.

This presentation covers the current status and the oportunities the newer technologies are bringing to OSINT. Download

Offensive OSINT. OSIRA Confernece, London 2014

The presentation covers the OSINT process, and how is used by attackers to profile the targets Download

A journey into Application Security, ISACA/OWASP, Venice, 2014.

This presentation is about the evolution of software development and the relation with Application Security Download

Wfuzz for pentesters, Source Conference, Sept 2011

How Wfuzz can be used in Penetration tests Download

Wfuzz, theHarvester and Metagoofil, Blackhat USA, 2011

We presented the new version of the tools in Blackhat Arsenal.Download

2010: And still Bruteforcing, OWASP VI Spain, Barcelona, 2010

A review of Bruteforce attacks in web applications, this is an old technique that is still useful for the attackers, and i showed with examples that is present in many attacks that affect big companies like Facebook, Yahoo, AT&T, Tuenti, etc. Also i presented the latest version of Webslayer a tool to perform all kind of bruteforce attacks in web applications.Download

Tactical Information Gathering, Source Conference, Barcelona, 2009

The objective of the talk is to show the dangers of having public information on the Internet and how an attacker can take advantage of this information against you or your company.Download

Playing in a Satellite environment, Hack.Lu, Luxemburg, 2009

This presentation is a warning call to those responsible for the companies that use or provide data connection (especially the Internet) via satellite, proving some of the attacks [more]This presentation is a warning call to those responsible for the companies that use or provide data connection (especially the Internet) via satellite, proving some of the attacks that are possible in this environment.Download

A Fresh new look into Information Gathering, IV OWASP Spain, Barcelona, 2008

New and different techniques to gather information about a target. Download

eCrime, Fist Conferences Barcelona, Sept 2008

From botnets to money laundry, this presentation shows the scene of the fraud on the Internet. (Spanish) Download

Principales Vulnerabilidades en aplicaciones Web, RedIris VI Foro de Seguridad, 2008

An overview of the top web applications vulnerabilities, with demos and examples. (Spanish) Download

All your Data are belong to Us, FIST Conference Barcelona, 2007

This presentation is about Databases and how they got hacked, different techniques and approachs.Download

Information Gathering, FIST Conference Barcelona, 2007

An overview of the actual Information Gathering techniques, and introducing some tools, to facilitate the task of the pentester.Download

Mysql Backdoor analysis

A brief analysis about the possibilities of developing a Mysql database backdoor, the analsysis is based on the backdoors developed by Argeniss for SQL 2005 and Oracle. Download

Fuzzing, FIST Conference Barcelona, 2006

In this talk we introduced Fuzzing, an automatic way to find vulnerabilities in software.Download

Metacoretex-Ng, NoconName Mallorca, 2005

The presentation is about metacoretex-Ng, the why, when and how of the project.Download

Modsecurity, Whatthehack! Netherland, 2005

The presentation given at Whatthehack, introducing Modsecurity, and some new features for improving the level of protection provided by Modsecurity. Download